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Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Phone: 909-476-9200
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Insertion Tubes

Mediflex, Inc. is the only manufacturer of replacement insertion tubes for all of today’s common endoscopy units. Please use the list below to identify the replacement tubes you need, then call us to place an order.

Mediflex, Inc. manufactures the best replacement endoscopy insertion tubes available. Our insertion tubes are manufactured to the highest standards of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Our proprietary tube coating creates the toughest, longest-lasting insertion tubes, even through rigorous sterilization processes. Mediflex, Inc. tube coating is liberally applied to seal the inner coil well against the tubing walls. Our tubes will resist leaks, splits, and buckling through hundreds of cycles. Mediflex, Inc. tubes are manufactured with dual-opposing flat coil springs, and provide the most durable and reliable progressive rigidity of any insertion tube available.

Please click here to use our online order form.

Replacement Insertion Tube Products

Model # Description Scope Type O.D. I.D.
MGIF-160 Olympus Replacement IT Gastroscope 8.8 7.3
MGIF-Q160 Olympus Replacement IT Gastroscope 9.75 8.15
MGIF-Q180 Olympus Replacement IT Gastroscope 8.9 7.5
MGIFH-180 Olympus Replacement IT Gastroscope 9.9 8.4
MCF-Q160 Olympus Replacement IT Colonoscope 13 10.5
MCF-Q180 Olympus Replacement IT Colonoscope 12.8 10.5
MPCF-160 Olympus Replacement IT Pediatric Colonoscope 11.8 9.35
MPCF-H180 Olympus Replacement IT Pediatric Colonoscope 12 10.75
MPCF-Q180 Olympus Replacement IT Pediatric Colonoscope 11.7 9.75
MTJF-160 Olympus Replacement IT Duodenoscope 11.5 9.5
MHP-2 HP21378A Probe Tube T.E.E. Probe    
MV-5M Acuson V5M Probe Tube T.E.E. Probe    
MGE-6T GE6T Probe Tube T.E.E. Probe    
MPHP-3 Pediatric Probe Tube T.E.E. Probe    
ACN-2 ACMI Replacement IT Systo 5.3 4.3
MSTORZ-11272CU1 Karl Storz Cystoscope 5.25 4.25
MSTORZ-11278AU1 Karl Storz Urethroscope 5.45 4.4
MSTORZ-11302BD2 Karl Storz Intubation Scope    
MENF-P4 Olympus Replacement IT Urethroscope 3.85 2.8
MBF-1T180 Olympus Replacement IT Bronchoscope 6.2 5.2
MBF-P60 Olympus Replacement IT Bronchoscope 5.2 4.3
MBF-Q180 Olympus Replacement IT Bronchoscope 5.25 4.3
MBF-XP160F (NX) Olympus Replacement IT Bronchoscope 2.85 2.2
MCYF-5 Olympus Replacement IT Cystoscope 5.5 4.5
MCYF-V2 Olympus Replacement IT Cystoscope 5.5 4.5
MENF-P4 Olympus Replacement IT Urethroscope    
MENF-GP Olympus Replacement IT (E,N,T) Ear, Nose, Throat 3.9 2.98
MLF-GP Olympus Replacement IT (E,N,T) Ear, Nose, Throat 2.25  
MLF-TP Olympus Replacement IT Intubation 5.15 4.3
MLF-V Olympus Replacement IT Intubation 4.1 3.1
MURF-P5(NX) Olympus Replacement IT Urethroscope 2.95 2.25
MURF-V Olympus Replacement IT Urethroscope 3.35 2.55

Prices and availability subject to change. Please call us for details.

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